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Writer's pictureNelson Huseby

2-He Promised A Son

                In the last article, I indicated that God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love Him. That included the good, the bad, and the ugly thrown at us in life. We have experienced all three in our lives, but nothing was more challenging than when our son of promise was born. It was a time when a new nausea medication was introduced. My pregnant wife took the pill on a plane trip to visit her mother, resulting in multiple birth defects for our son. Over the next twenty years, our son had over a hundred surgeries and surgical procedures. My wife says it is much more than that, but we stopped counting after a while. There were many weeks when we rushed to the doctor and/or the hospital three or four times per week. We reached a point where we could spot when an emergency was about to occur. His 40-year veteran sixth-grade teacher became upset that he could not spot it when we told him a crisis was about to happen because our son hid it so effectively. One day, he was overjoyed when he finally knew what was coming. Then he profusely apologized to us, knowing what we were facing.

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